Building a static portfolio with nanoc
A few months ago I blogged about building a static blog using nanoc and as I recently finished off my little site with a portfolio section, I figured I’d throw up a guide on how to do that (it’s really easy!)
The concept is almost identical to how blog posts work in nanoc: each portfolio entry is its own file, with some kind of identifier for the nanoc parser to pick up. This is combined with a custom helper to pull out these entries and from there they can be displayed in whatever way makes sense.
I won’t be as hands-on with this guide as I was with the previous, so if you feel lost give that one a read first.
Getting started
We’ll start by creating a single portfolio entry, so create a new folder inside your nanoc site’s content
directory - I call mine ‘portfolio’. Inside here, create a new file for your first portfolio entry with a name like this:
As with blog posts, we’ll use the date and slug portion of this filename to construct the final URL for this portfolio entry. Now we’ll want some content:
title: Something Awesome
date: 2011-09-11
kind: portfolio
image_id: somethingawesome
This is an awesome project I worked on last year. I can't talk too much about it.
The key field here is kind: portfolio
. In our helper, we’ll use this to figure out which content items we need. The other fields you use here are entirely up to you. I use the image_id
field to work out the URL to a static image to use for the portfolio entry (which I’ll cover in a moment).
Creating the Portfolio helper
Now we’ve got a bit of static content, we need a Ruby helper to tell nanoc how to process it. Create the file lib/portfolio.rb
and inside put this:
module PortfolioHelper
def portfolios { |item| item[:kind] == 'portfolio' }
def sorted_portfolios
portfolios.sort_by { |p| attribute_to_time(p[:created_at]) }.reverse
def portfolio_image_url(item, type)
'/images/portfolio/' + item[:image_id] + '_' + type + '.jpg'
include PortfolioHelper
This creates a new helper module and then includes it. Each of the methods inside the PortfolioHelper module will now be available to content items, layouts and other helpers.
The basic method here, portfolios
, simply returns a list of nanoc items whose kind property is set to 'portfolio’ - this is exactly how the built-in Blogging helper works too. We also have a sorted_portfolios
helper method which orders the portfolio entries so that the newest is first.
Finally, we have the portfolio_image_url
method. I use this to easily attach get the URL of a portfolio image in various states. For example, in my content/images/portfolio
folder, I’d have:
This works for me - you might want to do something more robust (such as checking for the existance of the image, or looking for an image of that name with multiple file extensions and returning the first one found, instead of hardcoding the jpg extension). The nice thing about nanoc is you can make these lazy, unoptimised shortcuts because the slowness will only happen once, at compile time.
Rendering the portfolio entries
With our helper in place, we now just need to implement it into our layout. There’s two steps to this - one, you’ll probably want some kind of index page for your portfolio, and two - the view for an individual portfolio entry.
Let’s start with the portfolio index. Create a new content file in haml, erb or whatever markup engine you’re using - e.g. content/portfolio.haml
and in it iterate through the list returned by the sorted_portfolios
helper and render each one. As a reference, here’s a basic example of this in haml:
%h2 My portfolio
- sorted_portfolios.each do |entry|
%h3= link_to entry[:title], entry
.picture{:style => 'background-image:url(' + portfolio_image_url(entry, 'small') + ')'}
This would list the portfolio entries (with the newest first), with a linked title and 'small’ version of the associated image.
Next, we’ll want to tell nanoc how to render an individual portfolio (and also, how to route it). Open up your nanoc Rules
file and add these rules:
compile '/portfolio/*' do
filter :kramdown
layout 'portfolio'
route '/portfolio/*' do
y,m,d,slug = /([0-9]+)\-([0-9]+)\-([0-9]+)\-([^\/]+)/.match(item.identifier).captures
The compile rule tells nanoc to run the kramdown
Markdown parser on our portfolio’s content (everything that comes after the yaml metadata – if you’re not using that, you don’t need to run the parser) and then sets it to use the 'portfolio’ layout for rendering.
The routing rule deconstructs the portfolio entry’s filename into date components and a slug, and then creates a URL of the form /portfolio/2011/something-awesome/
. You can tweak this to match your own URL scheme.
Finally, we can create the portfolio layout, which will be in /layouts/portfolio.haml
(or .erb, or something else, if you’re not using haml). This can be treated in the same way as a blog post - you’ll have a reference to the individual portfolio item and all of its attributes, and can layout the page however you like. A simple example could be:
%h2= item[:title]
- if item[:url]
.url= '<strong>URL:</strong> ' + item[:url]
.picture{:style => 'background-image:url(' + portfolio_image_url(entry, 'full') + ')'}
= yield
Don’t forget, yield will simply output the 'content’ of the portfolio entry (everything after the metadata), so if you don’t have any content, you won’t need the yield.
That should be it. As with anything in nanoc, it’s trivial to expand your content items with any extra information. As an example, on my own portfolio items I have to additional bits of metadata:
snippet: A short summary of this project
technologies: [ruby, rails, python, jquery]
I then use the snippet on the index page, and can simply iterate through the item[:technologies]
list on the full portfolio page in the layout as a list of strings.
Thanks for reading.