Syntax highlighting in nanoc

Syntax highlighting is easy in nanoc using the (built-in) colorize_syntax filter and Pygments. Pygments is an extremely robust Python library with support for many languages. You wouldn’t ordinarily want to call out to a Python application from your Ruby app, but as your nanoc site is compiled this method works great.

Install Pygments

The first thing you’ll need to do is install Pygments. For Ubuntu, recent versions of OSX and many other systems, you can do:

sudo easy_install Pygments

Once you’ve installed it, verify it’s available by running pygmentize from a terminal. If it didn’t work, the Jekyll wiki has more detailed instructions for various operating systems.

Install the pygments.rb gem

Because Pygments is a Python library, we need a way for Ruby to talk to it. Rather than do this by hand, there’s an excellent gem called pygments.rb which will do this for you. It’s pretty fast, so your compiles shouldn’t suffer too much.

So, add pygments.rb to your Gemfile, or do:

gem install pygments.rb

Set up the colorize_syntax filter

nanoc comes with a colorize_syntax filter which knows how to speak pygments. So, in your Rules file add the following line in the compile block you want pygments to run with:

filter :colorize_syntax, :default_colorizer => :pygmentsrb

For example, with this blog, I run the colourize filter against all my posts, so my compile block is:

compile '/posts/*' do
  filter :kramdown
  filter :colorize_syntax, :default_colorizer => :pygmentsrb
  layout 'post'

What if I don’t use Markdown?

That’s OK. The colourize_filter operates on anything within <code> tags. So if you’re writing your content with plain HTML, stick your code examples within <code> tags for the filter to work:

def meow
  puts 'Miauuu'

Styling the output

When Pygments is run on a code block, it’ll tokenize everything into <span> tags with classes. To actually get the colour highlighting to work, you’ll need some CSS. I actually couldn’t find a nice collection of CSS for Pygments, but they are out there, and can be found with some searching.

The styles I use for the syntax highlighting on this blog are in this gist.

Highlight your codes!

With everything in place, you should now be able to write your Markdown as usual but prefix your code blocks with #!language, where language is one of the (many) supported languages in Pygments.

If you find your development compiles (e.g. nanoc watch) are too slow now that you’re highlighting your code, you may appreciate this tip on speeding up nanoc compiles.

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