Multi-cluster Ganglia on EC2 or unicast networks

Ganglia is a scalable distributed monitoring system, and is excellent for keeping tabs on 10s or 1,000s of servers.

It works best on multicast-capable networks, where its army of gmonds will chat to one another with minimal configuration, and the gmetad federator is able to ask any of them for data, but it’s fairly simple to set up a single cluster implementation on a unicast network too.

However, one of Ganglia’s awesome features - multiple clusters - is considerably more complicated to set up on a unicast network. There are a few options to do it:

  • Dedicate one gmond in each cluster as the receiver, and have all the others in that cluster send to it. This is OK, but if that one server goes down, there’ll be no stats for that cluster.
  • Run one receiving gmond per cluster on a dedicated reporting machine (e.g. same as gmetad is on). Works, but annoying to configure as you’ve got a big stack of gmonds running on one server.
  • Emulate multicast support by having each gmond in each cluster send/receive to all or some of the others. A central gmetad is configured to point at one or more of these gmonds for each data_source (cluster).

None of these are as elegant as the default multicast configuration, but we’ll have to make do. I’ve opted to use the third option as I believe it strikes the best balance between reliability and ease of maintenance, and to avoid having 100s of nodes spamming all the others constantly, you can designate a handful of receiver nodes in each cluster and have all the others report to those.

Note: doing this by hand will not be fun. Combine this guide with your server automation tool of choice - I’ll be using Chef, so you’ll need to translate the instructions yourself if you’re using something else.

Installing Ganglia

First you’ll want to have a basic Ganglia set up with your chosen automation tool. I’m using Heavy Water’s Ganglia cookbook as a base. Although it’ll need heavy tweaking for this use case, it’s a good place to start.

Once you have gmonds installed on each node you want to monitor, and gmetad (and, optionally, ganglia-web) installed on a designated monitoring server, we can get started with the configuration.

Cluster attributes

In Chef, you can use your roles to describe the cluster for each node. For example, I have roles like app server, mongodb server etc and I’d like each of these to be a cluster. So, in my roles/app_server.rb file, I have the following attributes, which will be used later:

  :ganglia => {
    :gmond => {
      :cluster_name => 'app servers'

You’ll probably also want to add some defaults into a base role which is applied to every monitored node:

  :ganglia => {
    :gmond => {
      :cluster_name => 'generic server',
      :cluster_owner => 'Your Organisation'

gmond configuration

gmond.conf is the main configuration file for gmond. Unless a gmond is configured to be deaf it will open up a UDP server on the specified port and allow other gmonds to send data to it. On a multicast network, these gmonds would all join the same multicast group and share information automatically, but we’ll need to specifically tell each gmond which hosts to send data to.

You have a choice here - if your clusters are fairly small (I’d say, 10 servers or less), you can tell each gmond in a cluster to spread data to every other gmond in the same cluster. This will be simpler to configure; however, if your clusters are quite large, this would involve a lot of connections on every server, which doesn’t strike me as the best idea. Instead, you could nominate a handful of servers in each cluster to be the receivers, and have all the others send to those. So long as one of those receivers is online, all the other servers in that cluster can continue to share data.

Get the list of nodes in the same cluster

In Chef, this can be done with a search. So, in your recipe where you create the gmond.conf, add something like:

this_cluster = node[:ganglia][:gmond][:cluster_name]
gmonds_in_cluster = []

search(:node, "ganglia_gmond_cluster_name:\"#{this_cluster}\" AND chef_environment:#{node.chef_environment}") do |n|
  gmonds_in_cluster << n[:ipaddress]

Then pass this into your gmond.conf template and do:

<% @gmonds_in_cluster.each do |host| %>
udp_send_channel {
  host = <%= host %>
  port = 8659
  ttl = 1
<% end %>

udp_recv_channel {
  port = 8659

Once Chef has converged on all the nodes in that cluster, each gmond.conf will have a list of other gmonds to send to.

If you wanted to limit how many receivers you have (so, instead of every gmond talking to every other gmond, you designate only a few, and set the others to be deaf) you could adjust the search logic we used above. You could sort the list of nodes in the cluster, and attach an attribute to the first 2, e.g. node.set_unless[:ganglia][:gmond][:receiver] = true.

Then all your search logic only searches for nodes where ganglia_gmond_receiver:true and, when you configure the gmetad, you restrict the data_source to use only these nodes too. This should reduce network activity whilst still maintaining redundancy.

gmetad configuration

The gmetad daemon provides federation across all your gmonds. Each cluster is represented in /etc/gmetad.conf by a data_source option, e.g. data_source "app servers" host1 host2

When the gmetad looks for a host for a particular data source, it tries the first one and uses the others for redundancy. This is the reason we couldn’t have a far simpler configuration where each gmond is independent and the gmetad is configured to ask all of them for data - it would only ever get data from one, and ignore the rest.

Get the list of clusters and gmond hosts

Configuring gmetad is fairly straightforward: we just use search to get a list of all known clusters along with their gmond hosts:

# find all nodes running ganglia so we can collect clusters
clusters = {}

# all my nodes with ganglia have the ganglia recipe - adjust as needed
search(:node, "recipes:ganglia AND chef_environment:#{node.chef_environment}") do |n|
  name = n[:ganglia][:gmond][:cluster_name]
    ? clusters[name] << n[:ipaddress]
    : clusters[name] = [n[:ipaddress]]

If only a limited subset of your gmonds are acting as receivers, make sure you’re only feeding these nodes into gmetad, for example:

search(:node, "recipes:ganglia AND ganglia_gmond_receiver:true AND chef_environment:#{node.chef_environment}") do |n|
  name = n[:ganglia][:gmond][:cluster_name]
    ? clusters[name] << n[:ipaddress]
    : clusters[name] = [n[:ipaddress]]

Then pass the list of clusters and hosts into your gmetad.conf template:

<% @clusters.each do |name, hosts| %>
data_source "<%= name %>" <%= hosts.join(' ') %>
<% end %>

Testing it and debugging

That should do it for the configuration. If everything has worked, you’ll be able to turn it all on, set up your monitoring server with a gmetad and the Ganglia web UI, and see all your clusters and data appear.

If you run into problems, it’s easiest to start debugging at a cluster level. Turn off your gmetad and all the gmonds in a single cluster and then start up two gmonds on two machines in that cluster.

On one of them, use nc localhost 8649. This should splurge out some XML. Inside the <CLUSTER> tag you should, if the gmonds are talking to each other, have at least two <HOST> entries, one for each node running gmond.

Common things to check:

  • Firewall configuration (or security groups on AWS):
    • gmonds all communicate via a UDP port (8649 by default), so this needs to be open for in/out connections on nodes
    • gmetad gets data from gmonds via TCP port 8649 (default), so this should be open on any nodes running gmond that are marked as receivers
  • Each gmond should be configured to list itself as a udp_send_channel, even if it’s the only node in a cluster. Not listing this will probably result in weird issues.

I have this implementation running in production at LoyaltyLion and it’s working great. If you run in to any issues, feel free to comment and I’ll see if I can help.

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